Thursday, March 5, 2009

Send in the Clown

Timothy Egan wrote an excellent editorial, Wednesday, in the NY Times titled Fears of a Clown. It is about the latest drama being played out within the Republican Party regarding Rush Limbaugh as the new de facto leader of the GOP. There is a long list of Republican politicians who have, after deriding Limbaugh, publicly groveled for his forgiveness. The latest butt kissing suck up is Michael Steele, the former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, and present chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC). As Egan points out, “smarter Republicans know he (Limbaugh) is not good for them” and this is much to the delight of the Democrats. Limbaugh could possibly be sticking, albeit unintentionally, a dagger in the heart of the GOP; this got me thinking about Pagliacci, the sad tragic clown.

Pagliacci is an Italian opera about a clown named Pagliacci who murders his wife for being unfaithful. The opera is actually a play within a play, so Pagliacci is played by Canio (a character in the play) who was played, most famously, by Luciano Pavarotti. Pagliacci, as a clown, must continue to make his audience laugh even as he murders his wife and her lover. Limbaugh is that sad, tragic clown who is murdering his once loyal Republican Party which has lost its way, in his eyes. The only difference is that Limbaugh does not even realize the damage he is inflicting. Is it because he is blinded by his quarter of a billion dollar contract or his massive, pompous ego, I don’t know; but one thing I do know is that if the “smart Republicans” want to save their party they better take to the streets. As for the Democrats, they should take to the seats, with popcorn in hand, and enjoy the show.


  1. This makes me wonder how much longer the Repbulican party has until it's lost all of its muscle. It might be that it already has, now that Mr. Bush is gone. I think it's a bad thing that we have a Democrat as a president and a Democratic-controlled Congress. There needs to be balance in Washington.
