Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Roof is on Fire, We Don't Need No Water Let the #@%* Burn

I’ll tell you what, you have to be thankful for the Internet. The downfall of print journalism is a true shame, but it’s about time this whole mainstream media conglomerate paradigm is burned to the ground, plowed under, and the earth salted so it can never grow back into its despicable self again.

Journalism, alas, the entire media industry is undergoing a paradigm shift. Let’s just hope when the dust clears that the journalism profession re-emerges with the ferocity of the likes of Elmer Davis and Edward R. Murrow and not the paper tiger it is today.

This is how screwed up things are at this moment in time. Shepherd Smith of Fox News went ballistic on Fox’s Strategy Room, a show streamed live over the Internet screaming “We are America, we do not f**king torture.”

Now all the speculation is how long it will be before Smith is sacked by Fox News. Well, I speculate that if Smith boosts Fox’s Internet and/or television ratings then he isn’t going anywhere. This is my whole point, increased ratings translate into increased ad rates which translate into increased share price. These are the only things important to Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, et al. They don’t give a rat’s ass about journalism.

Once again Glenn Greenwald exposes the media elite corporate suck ups, i.e. Chris Matthews, David Gregory, David Ignatuis, etc, etc, etc. Here is just a small excerpt of Greenwald’s piece on the current torture topic on

“This remains the single most notable and revealing fact of American political life: that (with some very important exceptions) those most devoted to maintaining and advocating government secrecy is our journalist class, of all people. It would be as if the leading proponents of cigarette smoking were physicians, or those most vocally touting the virtues of illiteracy were school teachers. Nothing proves the true function of these media stars as government spokespeople more than their eagerness to shield government actions from examination and demand that government criminality not be punished.”

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